WhatsApp Order Notification Plugin | Shopware Development & Integration

The WhatsApp Order Notification plugin empowers customers to effectively manage their e-commerce orders – not to miss them, to respond quickly, and to provide excellent customer service.

Shopware 6 certified advanced Developer
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Shopware 6 certified template designer
Shopware Bronze partner

    About project

    The WhatsApp Order Notification plugin is designed to improve the efficiency of managing your e-commerce orders. This plugin ensures you never miss a customer's order by duplicating WhatsApp and/or email notifications, allowing you to respond quickly and provide excellent customer service.

    About project


    The challenge was to develop and integrate the WhatsApp Order Notification plugin with Shopware 6 and WhatsApp systems, ensuring seamless functionality across themes and settings. Ensuring the plugin worked reliably without interfering with existing store operations or user experience was critical.


    The IT Delight team approached the project with detailed planning and execution. Key steps included:

    • Concept and functionality development of the plugin
    • Testing with Shopware stores to ensure compatibility and smooth operation
    • Checking notifications and the possibility of customizing messages
    • Optimization to ensure the plugin works efficiently without impacting site performance
    • Providing complete documentation and support for easy installation and setup by store owners

    By combining customer specifications with proven best practices, IT Delight enabled fast and efficient development by improving the speed of processing orders via WhatsApp.


    1 x Frontend Developer
    1 x Backend Developer
    1 x Project Manager
    1 x QA Specialist


    1 month


    Real-time order status updates via WhatsApp
    Customizable notification templates

    The result

    Shopware WhatsApp Order Notification Plugin has been successfully developed and tested to improve the efficiency and speed of order processing. Receive duplicate customer order notifications via WhatsApp and/or email to speed up response times and reduce the chance of missed orders. You can also pay attention to the custom Shopware Extension Development service and develop a solution for your store.

    The result


    We will start working on a Shopware plugin for your business just after you contact us. Feel free to reach out to us.


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