Magento Migration


Magento migration services are designed to help businesses move their existing store over to the latest version of Magento, or migrate to a different eCommerce platform. This can include updating store data such as product information, customer accounts, order history, and more.

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    Transition Smoothly, Upgrade Successfully

    Get a behind-the-scenes look at the Magento migration process. Learn how we help businesses make the move smoothly and securely.

    Migrating to Magento can be a great way for businesses to bring their eCommerce solution up-to-date. However, there are two main types of migrations available: an upgrade to Magento 2 and a transition to Magento. 

    Upgrade to Magento 2. It involves migrating an existing website from an older version of Magento to the latest version of the platform. This type of migration will require significant changes for new functionality and improved performance. 

    Transition to Magento. It is suited more for websites that have never used the platform before. This type of migration involves setting up a new Magento website from scratch, which can include data migration and customizations as needed. 

    Benefits of Magento 2 migration for businesses

    Migrating to Magento 2 offers a multitude of benefits for businesses. A few key areas where these benefits are especially noticeable include:
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    Better performance and scalability

    Businesses can expect improved performance due to the platform’s new architecture. Magento 2 can handle more complex operations with fewer resources resulting in reduced load times, increased speed, and better overall user experience. Since the platform is also highly scalable it allows businesses to expand their operations as they grow.

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    Client acquisition

    Magento 2 offers several features that make it easier for a business to acquire new customers. For instance, the platform offers optimized search capabilities that give potential customers a better user experience and help them to find what they’re looking for. Besides, Magento 2 has improved checkout functionality that makes it simpler and faster to complete purchases.

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    Client retention

    Magento 2 provides features that help entrepreneurs retain their current customer base. For example, its intuitive interface simplifies navigation. Plus, the platform includes personalized marketing tools to target existing customers with customized offers and discounts.

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    Fulfillment and shipping

    Migrating to Magento 2 can help businesses streamline their fulfillment and shipping processes. The platform’s integration with third-party carriers makes it easier to track shipments, manage inventory, and update customers on order status.

    Boost your sales with Magento 2

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     The process of migration to Magento 2

    Here is how we conduct the whole process of migration to Magento 2 from the very beginning.
    Modern Magento background
    • 1

      Store audit and Analytics

      Our experienced team of professionals will evaluate your current store layout, plugins, integrations, page speed performance, and other critical elements that can affect conversions.

    • 2

      Planning and wireframing

      Our team works with retailers to develop a plan that covers all the necessary functionalities, interactions, business logic, layouts and more. All changes are agreed upon by both parties before final documentation is collected.

    • 3

      Web development itself

      Our development process includes migrating all data from the old version of Magento to the new one, developing UI/UX components according to your preferences and needs, and optimizing site performance.

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      QA & User acceptance testing

      We go through all of the functionality thoroughly to quickly identity and address any bugs or compatibility issues. We use advanced automation tools to speed up the testing process and make sure that no detail is overlooked.

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      Website launch

      We understand that launching a new website can be complex and time-consuming. From concept design through testing and launch, our team will guide you through every step of the way.

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      Our team of experts will focus on optimizing your Magento 2 migration for maximum performance. This includes implementing new integrations, scaling up updates, and providing any necessary urgent support.

    Increase customer engagement and loyalty

    Leave us your contact details and get higher conversion rates.

     The process of migration to Magento 2

    Here is how we conduct the whole process of migration to Magento 2 from the very beginning,
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    Be ahead of your competition

    Migrating to Magento 2 now gives you the chance to be ahead of your competition – while they are still trying to catch up, you have the opportunity to gain an advantage. You could even become a leader in your industry by being one of the first companies to make the switch and reap the benefits that come with it.

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    Get the most out of Magento 2 uniqueness

    Magento 2 is unique in its features and capabilities, offering improved scalability and performance as well as enhanced security measures and a redesigned user interface. Making use of these features now allows you to get the most out of Magento 2’s cutting-edge technology and stay ahead of the curve.

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    Reap the benefits of improved functionality

    The benefits of making this move are plenty: from faster loading times for customers, to added extensions and integrations for a more powerful eCommerce experience. Improved functionality means that your customers will have an easier time navigating your store, and you’ll be able to provide them with a better overall shopping experience. This could even lead to increased customer loyalty and engagement, as well as higher conversion rates.

    Our Magento projects

    Below you can get familiar with our projects.
    1 year
    Request A Sample’ System Expanded Carrier Options Mailgun Integration
    July 2020 – Currently ongoing
    Our team of Magento 2 certified developers customized Magento Commerce Cloud to the client’s requirements and integrated it with multiple operational systems
    One month
    To speed up the client’s Magento 2-based store, we implemented lazy loading, optimized fonts, CSS & JS, removed unused modules, and applied other techniques.
    1 / 4

    Reviews of our clients

    Read testimonials given by our clients:
    Client avatar
    CEO & Owner, Food & Beverage Company

    Shawn Smith

    ITDelight delivered excellent services that led to a more functional and efficient website. There were also significant improvements in the UX and customer satisfaction. Regular meetings led to easier tracking of the project. ITDelight was reliable and communicative.
    Client avatar
    Founder & Owner, Automotive Repair Shop

    Nicholas Torres

    ITDelight successfully migrated the website, enabling the client to extend its functionality and enhance its UX. They delivered an easy-to-navigate website allowing users to find all the necessary information quickly. Moreover, their professional team facilitated a smooth and efficient workflow.


    Is data migrated for my customers, orders, products, etc.?

    Yes. When you work with IT Delight, we will ensure that your customer data, orders, products and other information are migrated to your new Magento 2 store correctly and securely.

    Can I migrate to the Magento store myself?

    It is not recommended that you migrate to a Magento 2 store on your own as it can be quite complex and time-consuming. Moreover, mistakes made while migrating can lead to data loss or even long-term issues with your eCommerce store. The best option is to work with a team of experts who can ensure the most efficient and secure migration process for you.

    Why do I need Magento migration experts?

    Working with an experienced team of Magento migration experts like IT Delight provides several advantages, including a seamless transition from your old eCommerce platform to your new Magento 2 site. Utilizing our knowledge and expertise, we will ensure that all necessary data is migrated accurately while minimizing downtime and disruption.

    What are the main challenges of migrating to Magento 2?

    The main challenges of migrating to Magento 2 include the complexities of the migration process, data security and data loss, compatibility issues with existing extensions, themes and integrations, as well as a steep learning curve for any new users. Working with IT Delight removes these risks by providing a secure and seamless transition from your old platform to your new one.

    Are my extensions also migrated to Magento 2?

    Yes. Our team at IT Delight will ensure that all your extensions are migrated correctly and efficiently to Magento 2 so you can continue using them on your store without any disruption or loss of functionality.

    How long does the migration to Magento 2 take?

    The length of the migration process largely depends on the size and complexity of your existing eCommerce store. However, our team at IT Delight can handle migrations of any scale quickly and efficiently so you can be up and running with your new Magento 2 site as soon as possible.

    Will my Magento store theme be migrated by another team?

    No. Our expert team will ensure that all necessary data is migrated correctly to your new Magento 2 store, including any custom themes or templates you may have for your store.

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