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Top 7 Magento Hosting Providers for eCommerce Websites

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A hosting provider for an e-store is a company that provides the technology and services needed to make your online store accessible on the web. They typically provide things like:

  • server space
  • bandwidth
  • security measures
  • customer support.

This ensures that your website is up and running at all times. Without a reliable hosting provider, it can be difficult to keep your e-store running fast and smoothly even if you are using Magento speed optimization services. It’s important to choose a hosting provider that can provide you with the features and support you need in order to keep your business running successfully and bring profits like start-up companies listed below. 

There are many different hosting providers out there, so it’s important to do some research before making a final decision on which one will work best for you. 

What’s the Best Hosting for Magento?

A good host should have reliable servers, secure networks,  and be able to offer you the features that you need in order to make your e-store successful. Those from our list below can boast all the features mentioned.

1. Hypernode


Another great provider for Magento e-stores is Hypernode. With their managed cloud platform, online shops have access to optimized servers specifically designed for running powerful websites with maximum performance at all times.

Hypernode pricing plans
Hypernode pricing plans

You’ll also get access to expert technical support that’s available 24/7, ensuring your store is always up and running. Hypernode also makes it easy to scale up or down depending on the needs of your store—making it a great option for stores both big and small.

2. JetRails


One of the best hosting providers for a Magento e-store is JetRails. This company offers reliable and secure managed cloud hosting that’s tailored to the specific needs of Magento stores, offering both competitive plans and scalability options—making it a great choice for businesses that are just starting out or those that may need more resources as their store grows.

JetRails pricing plans
JetRails pricing plans

JetRails also provides proactive monitoring and 24/7 support to ensure your store runs smoothly, so you can focus on growing your business with confidence. 

3. MGT-Commerce


MGT-Commerce hosting offers a reliable, secure and optimized cloud hosting platform for Magento stores. It has many advantages over shared web hosting, including faster page loading speeds, improved website performance and increased security.


It also provides secure backups, encrypted connections and a robust server infrastructure designed to handle large transaction volumes. In addition, MGT-Commerce hosting is optimized for both mobile and desktop users, offering a seamless shopping experience for your customers. 

MGT-Commerce pricing plans
MGT-Commerce pricing plans

4. Cloudways


Cloudways is another great choice for hosting a Magento store. Their services are powered by Google Cloud Platform so you can expect top-notch performance and reliability from them. In addition, the platform offers a wide range of features such as automated backups, managed updates, and more. Plus their customer support is always available to assist you if needed. 


“Migrate Your Magento Store for FREE. Your first migration is on us! Move your first Magento store to Cloudways from any Magento web hosting solution (without breaking your live store hosted on the old host) for absolutely FREE. ”

Cloudways standard pricing plan
Cloudways standard pricing plan
Cloudways premium pricing plans
Cloudways premium pricing plans

5. Nexcess


Nexcess hosting for Magento is the ideal choice for business owners who are looking to run their online store quickly and smoothly. With Nexcess’ dedicated servers, your site will be able to handle large amounts of traffic without slowing down or crashing. Plus, you’ll get 24/7 customer support from certified experts in Magento development, so you can rest assured that your store will always be running optimally. 

Nexcess small scale pricing plan
Nexcess small scale pricing plan

Additionally, Nexcess hosting includes a range of features specifically built for Magento users, such as auto-scaling and an optimized caching system to ensure lightning fast loading times. With all this, plus the guarantee of 99.9% uptime, you can trust that your site will always be running at its best.

Nexcess large scale pricing plan
Nexcess large scale pricing plan

Feature-by-Feature Comparison of Magento Hostings

When you’re looking for a Magento hosting solution, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your needs. To make the decision easier, we’ve put together a side-by-side comparison of five popular Magento hostings: Hypernode, JetRails, MGT-Commerce, Cloudways and Nexcess. 

All of these hosting solutions offer excellent customer support and reliability – so let’s take a closer look at their features to find out which one might be best for your store. 


For budget-conscious shoppers, Hypernode offers some of the most competitive prices on the market with plans starting as low as $19/month. JetRails is also an affordable option with plans starting at $49/month. MGT-Commerce and Cloudways are slightly more expensive; their plans start from $79 and $10/month respectively. Finally, Nexcess offers the most expensive plans in this comparison with prices ranging from $99 to hundreds of dollars per month depending on your needs. 


All five hostings provide great performance for Magento stores, but Hypernode and JetRails offer the best speeds due to their advanced caching solutions. Furthermore, Hypernode also provides customers with access to real-time analytics so that they can track their store’s performance and make adjustments as needed.

Feature-by-Feature Comparison of Magento Hostings


When it comes to security features, all five solutions provide basic protection such as SSL certificates and firewalls. However, JetRails stands out with their advanced security measures such as data encryption and access control lists. 


All five solutions offer good scalability options for growing businesses, but Hypernode and Cloudways stand out thanks to their ability to quickly add additional resources as needed. 


All five hostings provide excellent customer support via phone, email, chat, or ticketing system. However, MGT-Commerce is the only one that offers 24/7 technical assistance in case of any emergencies. 

Choosing the best hosting for Magento

Choosing the right hosting provider for your Magento store can be a challenging task. That’s why we decided to help you! Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pick the best Magento hosting.

1. Start by determining your needs

Start by determining your needs

Before you begin looking for a web hosting provider, it’s important to understand what kind of website you are trying to host and what kind of requirements you have in terms of storage space, bandwidth, etc. That way, you can narrow down the list of potential providers and select one that meets all your needs. 

2. Look for customer reviews

Look for customer reviews

Reviews from other customers can provide valuable insight into the quality of service provided by different web hosting companies. You should read both positive and negative reviews to get an idea of how reliable each company is and whether or not it offers good customer service. 

3. Check for Magento-specific features

Check for Magento-specific features

Some web hosting services offer specific features designed for Magento stores. Look for companies that offer things like automated backups, scalability options, one-click installation of the Magento platform, and other features that can be beneficial to your store. 

4. Consider price and payment plans

Consider price and payment plans

Price is always an important factor when choosing a web hosting provider, and you should compare prices from different providers to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible. Additionally, some hosting companies offer flexible payment plans where you only pay for services as you need them. 

5. Make sure customer support is available

Make sure customer support is available

Customer service is crucial when it comes to web hosting – after all, if something goes wrong with your website or a certain feature isn’t working properly, you need to be able to get in touch with someone who can help you. That’s why it’s important to make sure the company you choose has a reliable customer support team that is available 24/7. 

6. Look for additional features and benefits

Look for additional features and benefits

You should also look for web hosting services that offer additional features, such as discounts on domain names or other perks. Some companies even have referral programs where you can earn rewards for referring new customers. 

7. Compare your options

Once you have compiled a list of potential providers, compare their offerings side by side to determine which one best meets your needs and budget. Don’t forget to read the fine print so you know exactly what you’re getting into before signing up. 

Compare your options

Once you’ve chosen the best web hosting provider for your Magento store, it’s time to sign up and get started! Follow the instructions provided by the service to set up your website, upload content, and launch your store. 

Features of the Best Hosting for Magento

Below are the features of the best hosting for Magento stores. With these in mind, you’ll be able to find the perfect host for your store and ensure it runs smoothly, quickly and securely. 


Magento 2 Security

A secure host is the most important feature for Magento stores. Look for hosts that offer SSL certificates and a firewall to protect your website from malicious attacks. Additionally, make sure your host is regularly running security scans to ensure your site is up-to-date with the latest security measures. 


Magento Speed

Nobody likes slow websites so it’s crucial that you find a hosting provider that offers fast loading speeds and reliable uptime. Look for features such as caching options (like Varnish) or content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve page loading times and increase user experience on your store. 


Magento Scalability

If you’re expecting high traffic spikes on your Magento store, make sure you find a host that offers scalability options. This will ensure your website can adjust to sudden traffic increases with ease and without interruption.


Magento Support

It’s important to find a hosting provider that offers 24/7 support in case anything goes wrong or if you need assistance setting up your Magento store. Look for hosts that have a team of experienced technicians who are available around the clock via phone, email or chat. 


Magento Price

Of course, pricing is still a factor when choosing the best hosting for Magento stores. You don’t want to overspend on hosting but you also don’t want to skimp on quality either. Look for hosts that offer a money-back guarantee so you can try out their services without committing long-term. 

How Magento Best Hosting Benefits Your Business

Having the right hosting provider can be a strategic tool to drive revenue for your Magento e-store (read about the most profitable Magento stores). A reliable hosting partner with expertise in helping Magento stores succeed allows you to tap into their technology, gain insights from their experience and focus on running your business.

A good hosting provider should not only provide fast loading speeds and ensure maximum uptime but also have proactive security measures in place to secure customer data and reduce the risk of cyber threats. This is imperative as customers now expect a secure shopping environment when making purchases online. In addition, having an experienced team at hand for any technical queries or issues can help keep operations running optimally without disruption.

Look out for additional value-added services such as live chat support and DIY tools that can help you customize and optimize your store for better performance. Choosing a partner with an extensive suite of services will ensure that you get the most out of your Magento e-store and maximize potential revenue growth in the long run. 

With the right hosting provider, you’ll have a powerful ally to help grow your business. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and make sure they are able to provide all the necessary features and support before making any decisions. With the right team on board, you can be confident that your venture into eCommerce will be as successful as possible (check how to launch a profitable e-store).

By the way, if you are not into Magento, you can check out our Shopware speed & SEO optimization services and see if it’s the right fit for you.

FAQ on Magento Hosted Solutions

FAQ on Magento Hosted Solutions

Q: What is the best host for Magento stores?

A: The best hosting provider for Magento stores really depends on your individual needs. Some of the most popular options are Nexcess, JetRails, and Hypernode. All of these providers offer reliable hosting with features tailored to meet the specific needs of a Magento store. It’s important to compare features and pricing before deciding which one is right for you. 

Q: Are there any free hosting options available for Magento stores?

A: Unfortunately, free hosting typically doesn’t offer enough resources or flexibility to run a successful eCommerce store on Magento. However, many providers offer very affordable plans that can provide the speed and reliability you need without breaking the bank. It’s important to research each plan thoroughly before making a decision. 

Q: Are there any managed hosting providers for Magento stores?

A: Yes, many hosting providers offer managed plans specifically tailored for Magento stores. These plans often include features such as one-click installation of Magento, dedicated server resources, security monitoring, and performance optimization tools. Managed hosting can be more expensive than shared hosting but can also offer better performance and scalability in the long run. 

Q: What type of support is available from different Magento hosting providers? 

A: Most hosts provide 24/7 customer service via live chat or phone, as well as email support. Additionally, many providers offer extensive knowledge bases and tutorials to help you get the most out of their services. It’s important to read reviews and compare support offerings before making a decision.

Q: What other factors should I consider when selecting a hosting provider? 

A: In addition to price, features, and customer service, it’s important to consider the uptime record of each provider as well as their security measures. Some providers also include additional tools or services such as backups, staging environments, and SSL certificates that can be beneficial for running an online store. Weigh all of these factors carefully before selecting your host. 

Final Thoughts on Magento Hosts

Out of all the Magento hostings mentioned above, Hypernode and JetRails are our top two favorites! We at IT Delight have been partnering with them for years now, and we’ve always had a great experience. They both offer reliable, secure hosting that is tailored specifically to the needs of Magento stores.

Furthermore, they offer many helpful features such as automated backups and scalability to ensure that your store runs optimally. Plus, their customer service is top-notch, so you can rest assured that any issues you may have will be quickly resolved.

If you need help with any Magento-related issue, feel free to use our Magento support services.