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Best Magento SEO Extensions [Free and Paid Plugins]

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If you’re a Magento store owner looking to maximize your business visibility and skyrocket your revenue, then you absolutely cannot miss out on this article. Read on as we discuss Magento SEO plugins to take your online store to the next level.
However, if you haven’t launched your Magento store yet, check how much it will cost you and learn more about free Magento plugins.

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What Are Magento SEO Plugins?

Magento SEO plugins are tools that help store owners optimize their websites for better search engine visibility. They provide a variety of features, such as automatically generating metadata and optimizing images, which can improve your website’s ranking on search engines. They also help you find and fix any potential SEO issues so that your website is optimized correctly. On top of that, some Magento SEO plugins even allow you to track visitor activity and analyze the performance of your campaigns. 

Multi-Functional Magento SEO plugins

These plugins provide all the tools necessary for optimizing a website for search engines and improving online visibility. With these plugins, businesses can improve their rankings in SERPs, manage meta tags and sitemaps, and make sure their site is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Furthermore, these plugins can also be used to help businesses engage with customers through social media, analyze website performance, and more. 

SEO by ecwhim

SEO by ecwhim is a powerful plugin for Magento stores that helps them to effectively optimize their website and climb up the SERP rankings. It allows store owners to easily manage their on-page SEO factors, including meta tags, alt texts, title tags, sitemaps, rich snippets, redirects and more. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, it makes SEO simple for even the most inexperienced store owners. 

SEO by ecwhim

Some of its key features include: 

  • Automated meta tag generation 
  • Rich snippet addition and optimization 
  • Image alt text setting 
  • Canonical links set up 
  • URL redirects management 
  • Automatic sitemap generation 
  • SEO keyword optimization 
  • Error page setting up.

By actively managing the different SEO factors, store owners can ensure their website is well-optimized and visible in the SERPs. With SEO by ecwhim plugin, it’s now easier than ever for Magento stores to improve their search engine visibility and increase their chances of success. 

Structured Data for SEO by outer/edge

​​Structured Data for SEO by Outer/Edge is an essential plugin for Magento stores looking to maximize their visibility and search engine optimization. This powerful tool allows you to add structured data to your store’s pages, improving how search engines index and rank them. With Structured Data for SEO, you can increase the likelihood that your store will be found by the right customers. 

Structured Data for SEO by outer/edge
  • Structured Data for SEO by Outer/Edge comes with a range of key features, including: 
  • Easy-to-use interface — no coding knowledge required! 
  • Ability to add structured data to any page on your store, from product pages to blog posts and more 
  • Powerful schema .org vocabulary support, including popular types like Article and Product 
  • Automated rules to quickly optimize your website for maximum SEO benefits 
  • Advanced debugging tools to identify and troubleshoot any issues with your structured data markup. 

With Structured Data for SEO, you can take control of your store’s search engine performance and maximize your chances of success. Upgrade your Magento store today and make sure you’re getting the best possible search engine results — with Structured Data for SEO by Outer/Edge.

SEO Pro by MageDelight

SEO Pro by MageDelight is a powerful plugin that can help Magento stores reach higher levels of success. This plugin provides an array of features that are invaluable for store owners looking to optimize their site for search engine visibility, increase customer engagement and boost sales. 

The list of key features includes:

SEO Pro by MageDelight
  • Automated meta tags  for product pages
  • Search engine-friendly URL rewriting
  • Easily create sitemaps and robots.txt files 
  • Support for the latest HTML5 microdata formats for richer search results 
  • Rich snippets for product ratings and reviews to increase click-through rates 
  • Automated Google Analytics tracking code implementation 
  • Built-in 301 redirects and custom 404-page customization
  • Social media integration for enhanced visibility 
  • Support for the multi-store environment and more! 

With SEO Pro by MageDelight, Magento stores have an easy-to-use tool that can help them take control of their search engine optimization strategy. This plugin makes it simple to ensure your store is user-friendly and highly visible to search engines.  With its comprehensive set of features, SEO Pro by MageDelight is an essential tool for Magento stores looking to stay ahead in the online marketplace. 

Magento SEO Plugins for Image Optimization

Magento SEO Plugins for Image Optimization is an essential tool for increasing the visibility of your website with search engines. They help you optimize images in your Magento store so that they can be indexed properly, which means better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Image optimization also increases site speed and user experience, as it reduces the time it takes for images to load.

With Magento SEO Plugins for Image Optimization, you can easily optimize all your images with a few simple clicks. This helps ensure that your website is ranking as highly as possible in SERPs, and that your customers have a smooth experience when browsing through your site. Plus, image optimization can help reduce bandwidth costs and save storage space.

SEO-Friendly Images by Zymio

SEO Friendly Images by Zymion is the perfect plugin for Magento stores looking to boost their SEO ranking. This easy-to-use plugin helps you optimize your product images and make them more visible on search engines, so customers can find you faster. 

The plugin’s key features include: 

SEO-Friendly Images by Zymio
  • Automatically adding alt tags and image titles with product names 
  • Generating custom thumbnails 
  • Supporting various file formats (including JPEG, GIF, PNG) 
  • Automatically resizing images to the desired size 
  • Optimizing and compressing images for faster loading times. 

By taking advantage of all these features, Magento stores can easily improve their SEO rankings and boost online visibility, which is key to attracting more customers. With SEO Friendly Images by Zymion, you can optimize your product images quickly and effortlessly! 

SEO Images Alt Tags by cynoinfotech

Are you running a Magento store? SEO Images Alt Tags by cynoinfotech is the perfect plugin for your eCommerce business! This plugin helps you to optimize your images with relevant alt tags and titles, making them more search-engine friendly. That means that shoppers will be able to find your products more easily on Google and other search engines, and you’ll have a better chance of appearing higher up the SERP.

SEO Images Alt Tags by cynoinfotech

SEO Images Alt Tags by cynoinfotech is packed with great features to help you optimize your website for search engines. Here are just some of its key benefits: 

  • Automatically generate alt tags from product names, SKUs or custom defined rules.
  • Manage the alt tags and titles of all images in bulk to save time. 
  • Add unique descriptions for each image with complete control over the content. 
  • Automatically crawl and detect missing Alt tags on your website. 
  • Optionally enable automatic optimization of your new product images to save you time. 
  • Receive warning notifications when Alt tags need to be added or updated. 

WebP Optimized Images by JaJuMa GmbH ($99.00)

The JaJuMa GmbH WebP Optimized Images plugin is an essential tool for any Magento store. It can drastically reduce the size of images while maintaining their quality, significantly improving loading times and optimizing your website’s performance. With this amazing plugin, you’ll be able to boost user experience and keep customers happy! 

WebP Optimized Images by JaJuMa GmbH

This  plugin offers some key features: 

  • Automatically compress JPG, PNG and GIF images to WebP format. 
  • Easily improve page loading times. 
  • View detailed statistics on the files that have been compressed. 
  • Optionally backup original image before compression. 
  • Control quality of output images using different compression levels. 
  • Optionally activate the WebP caching feature for the best performance. 
  • Configure image formats and resolution to be compressed. 
  • Bulk compress all existing images in your store with one click. 

With JaJuMa GmbH  WebP Optimized Images, you can optimize your Magento store and improve user experience for maximum customer satisfaction. 

Magento SEO Plugins for XML Sitemaps

These plugins create and maintain an XML sitemap, which is a file containing all of the URLs on a website. Search engines like Google use this sitemap to learn about your website’s structure and index your pages appropriately. This helps search engines find and index your content more quickly, improving your website’s visibility in search results. Additionally, having a sitemap makes it easier for visitors to navigate through your website. 

There are many ways to generate XML sitemaps for your Magento store. By using Magento SEO Plugins for XML Sitemaps, you can improve the usability of your website and make sure it is properly indexed  by search engines. This is a crucial step for ensuring that your website can be easily found by potential customers and increasing visibility in search engine results. Ultimately, this leads to more traffic, higher conversion rates, and ultimately more success for your business.

Amasty XML Google Sitemaps

The Amasty XML Google Sitemaps extension for Magento stores is an incredibly useful plugin that helps to make your store’s content accessible to search engines. With it, you can create a comprehensive sitemap of your store, allowing crawlers to more easily find and index all the pages on your site. What’s more, the plugin helps to ensure that the sitemap is always up-to-date. 

Amasty XML Google Sitemaps

The key features of this plugin include: 

  • An automated generation of XML sitemaps for multiple stores and store views 
  • Ability to exclude products, categories, CMS pages and other content types from sitemap 
  • Automatically updated sitemap when content is changed 
  • Support for all possible types of pages: HTML, XML, images and more 
  • Ability to compress the generated file 
  • Advanced configuration settings for greater flexibility and control. 

With the Amasty XML Google Sitemaps extension, you will be able the make your store content more accessible to search engine crawlers. This will help increase your store’s visibility and ultimately bring more customers to you. 

FMEextensions HTML & XML SEO Sitemaps

FMEextensions HTML & XML SEO Sitemaps is an incredibly useful plugin for any Magento store looking to optimize their site performance. This plugin automatically generates and submits an XML sitemap to popular search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc. It also helps you create custom HTML Sitemaps with multiple columns that are easy to read and navigate. Key features of this plugin include: 

FMEextensions HTML & XML SEO Sitemaps
  • Automatically generate an XML sitemap and submit it to major search engines 
  • Create custom HTML Sitemaps with multiple columns
  • Option to add multiple categories, products, and pages in the HTML sitemap  
  • Easy to use and configure CMS 
  • Generate sitemaps for all languages and stores in a single run 
  • Automatically ping new URLs after the submission of sitemap to search engines. 

Using FMEextensions HTML & XML SEO Sitemaps, you can easily optimize your Magento store for search engine crawling and indexing; it’s the perfect way to ensure your store is visible and accessible online.  This plugin helps you maximize your website’s visibility and performance, so you can drive more organic traffic to your Magento store and boost sales! 

WeltPixel Google XML Sitemap

The WeltPixel Google XML Sitemap plugin is a must-have for any Magento store. It’s the ultimate tool to ensure your website is properly indexed by search engines, helping you get better visibility and improve your SEO rankings. Best of all, it comes with a host of features that help make it easy to manage and maintain. 

WeltPixel Google XML Sitemap

Some of the key features of WeltPixel Google XML Sitemap include: 

  • Automatically generates and updates your sitemaps
  • Ability to set custom frequency and priority for each URL entry in the sitemap
  • Option to add/remove additional URLs easily
  • Compatible with any version of Magento
  • Easy to install and configure 
  • Ability to specify a canonical URL for each entry. 

These features make the WeltPixel Google XML Sitemap plugin an invaluable tool for Magento stores that want to get the most out of their SEO efforts. With this plugin, you can rest assured your website is properly indexed, helping you get better visibility and improved search engine rankings. 

Magento SEO Plugins for URL 

Magento SEO Plugins for URL are powerful tools that help Magento store owners to optimize the URLs of their webpage. These plugins make it easier for search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo to find and index your website quickly. This means that your website will appear in searches more often and therefore have a better chance of being visited by potential customers. 

Plus, these plugins can help improve the user experience by making it easier for users to navigate through your website. They also allow you to customize URLs to make them more descriptive and relevant, which can help improve your search engine rankings. Having optimized URLs also makes it easier for customers to remember and share your webpage with others, helping you spread word of your business.

Amasty URL Rewrite Regenerator

The Amasty URL Rewrite Regenerator is an essential plugin for any Magento store. It allows store owners to quickly and easily regenerate their URLs, giving customers a more streamlined shopping experience. With this tool, users can update their URLs as products, categories and other content changes in the store’s catalog. 

This plugin helps to reduce the amount of time and effort required to maintain a store’s URLs. It also helps improve SEO by ensuring that the most up-to-date links are being used for each product or category.

Amasty URL Rewrite Regenerator

The key features of Amasty URL Rewrite Regenerator include: 

  • Automated regeneration of URLs when content is updated in the catalog. 
  • Easily view and manage all URLs from one page. 
  • Option to enable or disable URL regeneration for each category, product and CMS page. 
  • Generate redirects when a URL changes to avoid 404 errors and maintain SEO rankings. 
  • Check individual pages to ensure that they are properly indexed. 
  • Generate URLs for products and categories in multiple languages or store views. 
  • Compatible with Single-Store Mode and Multi-Store Mode Magento setups. 
  • Securely backed up each time a URL is regenerated, allowing easy restoration if needed. 
  • Automatically exclude any page that should not be indexed or crawled. 
  • Compatible with Magento versions 2 and 3. 

The Amasty URL Rewrite Regenerator is a powerful plugin that helps store owners keep their URLs organized and up-to-date. In its turn, it enhances the shopping experience of customers and improving SEO rankings. With its easy-to-use interface and wide range of features, this plugin is a must-have for any Magento store! 

Mageplaza SEO-Friendly URL

Mageplaza SEO Friendly URL is a must-have plugin for any Magento store. With its help, you can maximize your Magento store’s visibility online and improve the overall user experience. So, this plugin simplifies the process of creating meaningful URLs for your products and pages, making them easier to find and rank in search engine results.

Mageplaza SEO-Friendly URL

Some of the key features of this plugin include: 

  • Automated URL optimization that removes unnecessary characters and special symbols to create SEO-friendly URLs. 
  • Ability to customize URLs according to your store’s own preferences with an intuitive drag & drop interface. 
  • Multi-store support, allowing you to manage multiple stores from one interface. 
  • Easy redirect manager to help resolve broken links and avoid 404 errors. 
  • Support for page speed optimization, helping you to improve your website loading times. 

Mageplaza SEO Friendly URL is the perfect tool for any Magento store owner who wants to make their store more visible and user-friendly. With its powerful features, it’s the perfect way to make sure your store is seen by more customers!  Try out this great plugin today and start getting more traffic to your Magento store.

Unique Product URLs by Amasty

Amasty’s Unique Product URLs plugin is a must-have for any Magento store. It helps owners to optimize their webpages so they rank higher in search engine results, as well as providing useful features like canonical URLs and automatically generated redirects. 

Unique Product URLs by Amasty

The key features of this plugin are: 

  • Canonical URLs – Automatically set and update canonical URLs on each product page
  • Automatic redirects – Automatically generate redirects from old to new URLs when products are renamed
  • Search engine friendly URLs – Easily customize and optimize product URLs for higher search engine ranking 
  • Separate settings – Configure settings separately for categories, products and CMS pages
  • URL suffixes – Customize URLs by adding suffixes
  • SEO Meta tags – Automatically add SEO meta tags to product pages 
  • Advanced URL structure – Create an advanced URL structure for better human readability and faster loading speeds. 

Amasty’s Unique Product URLs plugin is an essential tool for any store owner looking to optimize their pages and make them search engine friendly. It offers numerous features that can help you get the most out of your product URLs and make sure that customers are able to find what they need quickly and easily. 

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Plugins

Magento SEO plugins for rich snippets are a great way to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. Rich snippets provide extra information that is displayed alongside the normal page listings, giving users more context and making it easier for them to decide which result best fits their query. This can be especially useful for eCommerce websites, as it allows users to see product information such as price and availability without having to click through to the website itself.

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Plugins

Extended Rich Snippets extension for Magento 2 

The plugin by Magewor allows store owners to instantly provide search engines and social media networks with detailed product information, including price, ratings, stock availability, SKU, manufacturer, and brand. It also enables e-store owners to display markup tags on category pages, hide category markups with NOINDEX Robots, and display category listings in social media to attract more customers. The plugin is extensible, customizable, and developer-friendly, making it easy to modify to suit your needs.

Extended Rich Snippets extension for Magento 2 

Key features:

  • Rich snippets – The plugin includes rich snippets to help your products stand out in search results and boost click-through rates.
  • Business info markup – It enables store owners to include valuable company data in their markup.
  • Highlighting page details – The plugin allows store owners to display rating, price, SKU, and navigation path on their web pages.
  • Navigation path display – The extension enables store owners to display default Magento 2 breadcrumbs.
  • Open Graph & Twitter Cards support – It supports Open Graph and Twitter Cards for customized content.
  • Composer installation – The plugin comes with Composer installation for easier extension installation and management.
  • Unencrypted code – The code is unencrypted for hassle-free editing if required.
  • Code implementation – The plugin’s code implementation follows Magento’s recommended best practices.

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension by Magefan

The plugin helps to increase targeted website traffic, improve search engine rankings, and add Google Rich Snippets to your store, leading to better indexation and targeting. It is designed to increase click-through rates and customer experience, and offers fast website indexation, improved Magento website search visibility, relevant and segmented traffic, and increased conversion rates through high-quality traffic.

Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension by Magefan

Features of Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension:

  • SERP Optimization – the plugin allows store owners to optimize their website in SERP for better search engine rankings.
  • Google Rich Snippets – the extension adds Google Rich Snippets to your store, improving structured data and ultimately leading to better indexation and targeting.
  • Product Reviews and Ratings – the plugin enables store owners to show product reviews and ratings, which can help to increase click-through rates.
  • Navigation Path Display – Store owners can display navigation path, making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.
  • Organization Rich Snippet – You can enable organization rich snippet, adding valuable company data to search results.
  • Social Media Links – The plugin allows users to include social media links, making it easier for customers to follow and engage with the store.
  • Sitelinks Search Box – You can add sitelinks search box, making it easier for customers to search for products on the store.
  • FAQ Rich Snippet – eCommerce specialists use FAQ rich snippet, providing valuable information to customers and improving search engine rankings.

Google Rich Snippets by Amasty

With the Google Rich Snippets plugin, store owners can improve their search engine rankings and attract highly targeted traffic to their stores. They can display more information about their organization, products, and services to accurately segment potential customers and draw only relevant traffic to their website. The plugin also helps store owners highlight necessary information in search results, increase their website visibility, and draw highly targeted traffic.

Google Rich Snippets by Amasty

Features of Google Rich Snippets by Amasty:

  • Prices and Stock Statuses. With the plugin, store owners can display prices and stock statuses in search results, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Rating and Reviews. The plugin allows you to show rating and reviews, improving customer experience and increasing click-through rates.
  • Social Profiles. Store owners can display social profiles, making it easier for customers to engage with the brand and build stronger relationship.
  • URL, Company Name, and Logo. The extension enables displaying URL, company name, and logo in search results, enhancing brand visibility and memorability.
  • Navigation Path. You can display a navigation path, providing customers with a clear path to find the products they need in the store.
  • Search Input Box. Users can add a search input box for a home page in search results with the plugin, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Breadcrumbs for Rich Snippets. The plugin includes the option to enable breadcrumbs for rich snippets, improving search engine rankings.
  • Generate Rich Snippets with Organization Name and Logo. E-store owners to generate rich snippets with their organization name and logo.
  • Product Availability and Condition Tag. There is an option to add product availability and condition tag to rich snippets.

How SEO Optimization Helps Your Magento Store 

We’ll explore the many benefits of SEO optimization for your Magento store and reveal some insider tips and best practices for achieving the best results possible. Just believe us, the advantages of SEO optimization are truly limitless.

1. Improved Visibility

SEO optimization helps your Magento store get more visibility online. By optimizing the content and structure of your website, you can increase its search engine rankings and attract more visitors to your store. This means more potential customers are exposed to your products and services, leading to an increased chance of sales. 

2. Increased Traffic

With improved visibility comes increased traffic to your store as people search for what you have to offer. With keyword research tools, it’s easy to find out which topics people are searching for related to your business and create relevant content on those topics so that you show up in their searches. This will lead to a higher number of quality leads coming into your store each day. 

How SEO Optimization Helps Your Magento Store 

3. Higher Conversion Rates

By optimizing your website for SEO, you can also increase the number of leads that convert into actual customers. This is because SEO optimization improves the user experience by making it easier for them to find what they are looking for on your store. With a better user experience and more relevant content, people will be more likely to stay on your site longer and make a purchase. 

4. Increased Brand Awareness

As more people start visiting your store, they will become familiar with its brand and products, leading to increased brand recognition. In turn, this can help you stand out from competitors in the market as well as grow trust between customers and businesses over time. Besides, having good reviews online related to your product or service can be beneficial when it comes to building customer confidence and trust. 

5. Increased Return On Investment (ROI)

SEO optimization can help you maximize your return on investment since it can lead to increased visibility, traffic, conversion rates, and brand awareness. This will result in more sales and revenue for your business, leading to higher profits over time. What’s more, SEO optimization costs are relatively low compared to other digital marketing strategies like pay-per-click advertising or social media campaigns.