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Best Free Magento Extensions to Download [Ultimate List] in 2023

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Popular free Magento extensions can help you save time and money while optimizing your store. With the right set of features, these extensions can help you boost page performance, increase customer engagement, and more – all without breaking the bank. 

Magento global market share
Magento global market share

That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive list of the best Magento extensions free to download. Whether you’re looking to add more payment gateways or customize product reviews, these highly-rated tools make it easy to create an amazing shopping experience for your customers.  Best of all, they’re entirely free!

What Magento extensions bring eCommerce owners
What Magento extensions bring eCommerce owners

To make the right choice, check our top picks below. We divided all the extensions into categories based on their purpose, just like we did with Shopware plugins.

Free Magento Extensions for SEO and Affiliate Marketing

The market offers a wide range of extensions for SEO and affiliate market. But before integrating them, make sure that you’ve picked the best B2C eCommerce development company.

Mageworx SEO Suite Ultimate

Mageworx SEO Suite Ultimate

Mageworx SEO Suite Ultimate is an invaluable tool for any Magento store. With it, you can easily improve your website’s search engine visibility to boost your sales and conversions. It provides an intuitive interface that makes it easy to customize and add metadata to all of your pages, helping you increase page views and customer engagement. 

This Magento 2 extension (free to download) also creates redirects to ensure visitors don’t get lost in the digital wilderness. Its powerful reporting capabilities provide detailed information on how well each page is performing. Plus, the built-in sitemap generator makes it simple to keep Google informed about changes on your site. So you can stay ahead of the competition. All this adds up to a comprehensive suite of features designed to give you the edge in the increasingly competitive world of online retail. 

Mirasvit SEO Layered Navigation

Mirasvit SEO Layered Navigation

Mirasvit SEO Layered Navigation helps to make your website’s navigation vastly more efficient, giving customers a better experience on your site. It allows them to quickly and easily find the products they are looking for without having to slog through pages of search results. By using filters such as category, price range, color and other attributes, customers can find the items they need in a matter of moments. 

51 % of all website traffic comes from organic search.


Additionally, it also increases website performance by reducing page loading times, as less products need to be loaded on each page due to the use of filters. This has the benefit of decreasing bounce rates and improving customer satisfaction. 

Magento Speedster

Magento Speedster

Magento Speedster also helps to improve your customer experience. By optimizing the loading speed of your store, customers will be able to browse more quickly and easily, resulting in a more enjoyable shopping experience overall. Furthermore, with faster loading times comes reduced abandonment rates – people are less likely to give up on a website that loads quickly than one that takes a while to show its content. This translates into more satisfied customers, more sales, and ultimately higher revenue for your business. 

Magestore Affiliate Plus

Magestore Affiliate Plus

Magestore Affiliate Plus for Magento stores offers some amazing benefits. It helps to reduce the amount of money spent on advertising and marketing campaigns, as it allows store owners to leverage an existing network of affiliates who can help promote products and services, without any additional cost.

The platform also makes tracking affiliate activity easy and efficient. It allows store owners to monitor the performance of each affiliate and rewards affiliates for their efforts. This makes it easier for store owners to identify the most profitable affiliates, increasing overall profitability and productivity.

Aheadworks Automatic Related Products

This extension also helps boost your store’s SEO by automatically creating links between related content, which helps search engine robots to better crawl and index your store. This extension is easy to install and configure, so even those with limited technical skills can start taking advantage of the benefits it brings.

Aheadworks Automatic Related Products is a great tool for those who want to increase their sales and conversions on Magento stores. By recommending related products in the same category, customers are more likely to add additional items to their carts and make larger purchases. 

Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite

Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite

The Mirasvit Advanced SEO Suite offers a lot of great benefits that can help to improve your store’s visibility and search engine rankings.

 SEO helps you convert leads at some stages of the buying cycle.

You can use the suite to optimize content, manage redirects, analyze competitors’ strategies, generate XML sitemaps and so much more. With its powerful analytics tools, you can easily track your progress, spot opportunities for improvement, and stay ahead of the competition. 

Additionally, it ensures that your site is compliant with all the latest SEO standards and guidelines to ensure maximum visibility. With its intuitive user interface, you can quickly set up campaigns and track their performance without any hassle. 

Wyomind Search Engine Friendly URLs

Wyomind Search Engine Friendly URLs

Wyomind Search Engine Friendly URLs can help improve your website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). By using search-engine-friendly URLs, you can ensure that each page of your website is properly indexed and ranked by search engines like Google. This helps to maximize the potential for your business to be seen and clicked on by potential customers. 

Additionally, search engine-friendly URLs are more attractive to visitors, making it easier for them to remember the page URL and navigate back to your website. This ultimately leads to increased customer engagement and better conversion rates. 

Magento Free Extensions for Store Management

Wyomind Data Feed Manager

Wyomind Data Feed Manager

Wyomind Data Feed Manager offers a wide range of advantages that make it a great choice for creating and managing product data feeds. It helps businesses create detailed and comprehensive product feeds quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. 

With the Wyomind Data Feed Manager, businesses can easily organize their modules with product information into neatly formatted data feeds, complete with categories and labels. This helps ensure product visibility on major online marketplaces and search engines such as Google Shopping, eBay, Amazon and more. 

Amasty Order Status & Actions

Amasty Order Status & Actions

Amasty Order Status & Actions is a great tool to manage your orders in an efficient way. It allows you to quickly take action on any order, regardless of its status in the process. You can easily update the status of each order item, add notes and comments, assign a custom label or color to mark them as important, and even assign a specific order to a customer or another manager. 

This allows you to keep track of the progress of your orders, and take action whenever necessary. If you make this Magento extension download, you can save time by automating manual tasks such as tracking order statuses, managing stock levels and sending emails when an order is ready for delivery. 

Wyomind Advanced Product Feeds

Wyomind Advanced Product Feeds

Wyomind Advanced Product Feeds is a premium extension for Magento stores that helps merchants create and manage product feeds easily. It enables store owners to create stunning, accurate product listings that can be shared with any of the major shopping engines. 

The extension automates tedious tasks such as feed creation and updates, making it easier for merchants to keep their product listings up-to-date. It also provides a flexible and powerful filtering system that ensures only the most relevant products are included in your feeds, making it easier to reach the right shoppers. 

Magestore POS & Barcode Management System

Magestore POS & Barcode Management System

Magestore POS & Barcode Management System is a great way to streamline your operations and save time. With it, you’ll be able to quickly generate barcodes for products, store them accurately in the system, and easily check stock levels. You can also use the system to keep track of product sales and purchases so that you can accurately monitor your inventory levels. Plus, you’ll be able to instantly update pricing information so that customers always get the most up-to-date prices. 

Unirgy uRapidFlow Pro

Unirgy uRapidFlow Pro

Unirgy uRapidFlow Pro provides a wide range of benefits to businesses. Firstly, it offers improved scalability and flexibility in managing data imports, exports, and integrations so that you can quickly adapt your operations to changing conditions. Secondly, it streamlines business processes by automating the most tedious parts of job, which are scheduling and administrative tasks. Thirdly, it allows for better collaboration across departments and systems, which makes it easier to share data and information. 

Amasty Customer Group Catalog

Amasty Customer Group Catalog

Amasty Customer Group Catalog for Magento stores is a powerful tool for boosting sales and customer loyalty. It allows merchants to create personalized catalogs tailored specifically to the groups of customers they serve. This means that customers can quickly get access to products and services that meet their exact needs and wants, making it easier for them to make purchasing decisions. It also allows merchants to create effective promotional campaigns that target the right audience and increase their sales. 

Wyomind Advanced Inventory

Wyomind Advanced Inventory

Wyomind Advanced Inventory offers Magento store owners a number of benefits. It makes managing multiple warehouses and inventory locations easier by providing automatic stock synchronization between all your stores, allowing you to quickly identify supply issues and take advantage of fast delivery options. It also helps you save money on shipping costs by routing orders to the nearest warehouse depending on customer location. 

Furthermore, it enables you to set up multiple discounts, promotions and pricing rules in order to optimize your store operations and increase sales. With Advanced Inventory, the time spent on inventory management is significantly reduced as you can easily manage stock levels across multiple warehouses with just a few clicks.

BizTech Ajax Cart Pro

BizTech Ajax Cart Pro

For those who want to start their eCommerce business, BizTech Ajax Cart Pro makes it easier than ever to manage a store. With this powerful and easy-to-use tool, you can quickly add, edit, or delete products and categories right from the front end of your website. No more complicated administrative panels required! Plus, all changes are applied in real time – so you can make sure your shop always stays up to date. You also get access to advanced features like product recommendations, order tracking, and more. 

Aheadworks Advanced Reports

Aheadworks Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports by Aheadworks is a great tool for store owners who are looking to gain deep insights into the performance of their business. The tool offers an array of features and functions that allow users to gain access to detailed information on all aspects of their store performance. With Advanced Reports, store owners can easily monitor their sales, customers, marketing campaigns, and more. 

You may improve your customer service, product development, sales, marketing, and stock management using the data provided by an e-commerce reporting tool.

The reports generated by the tool are comprehensive and provide a clear view of how the store is performing in terms of revenue, conversions, and other key metrics. By leveraging the data provided by Advanced Reports, store owners can make more informed decisions about their stores and optimize their business.

Amasty Customer Attributes

Amasty Customer Attributes

Amasty Customer Attributes for Magento stores is a great tool for store owners, allowing them to collect additional information from customers during registration or checkout. This type of data can be used to customize your customer’s experience and make sure that you’re providing the best possible service. 

With this tool, users can create custom attributes that are tailored to their store and their customers, allowing them to collect the information they need in order to better serve their customers. Additionally, these attributes can be configured to require specific input types, such as text fields or drop-down menus. 

Wyomind Quick Book

Wyomind Quick Book

Wyomind Quick Book for Magento stores is the perfect solution for businesses that need a powerful and reliable way to handle their finances. It provides easy-to-use features such as automated accounts payable and receivable, inventory tracking, bank reconciliation, and more. Plus, it offers powerful insights into your business operations with customizable reporting options. 

With Quick Book, you can be sure that your accounting information is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, it offers robust security features to ensure the safety of your financial data. Wyomind Quick Book makes managing finances easier than ever before! 

Magento 2 Free Extensions for Shipping

Magestore Store Pickup

Magestore Store Pickup

Store Pickup offers a convenient way to shop for your customers. With this service, customersthey can select an item online and pick it up at the store in as little as one hour. This allows them to get their products quickly without having to wait in line or deal with delivery times. 

Plus, Store Pickup helps you save money on shipping costs, as well as reduce the risk of lost or damaged packages. Your customers will also appreciate being able to touch and feel the item before they take it home, giving them a better understanding of its quality. 

Amasty Shipping Table Rates

Amasty Shipping Table Rates

Amasty Shipping Table Rates for Magento stores is an amazing tool that can help businesses save a lot of time and money. With it, you can create complex shipping rules quickly and efficiently. You don’t have to worry about calculating the cost of shipment each time as Amasty Shipping Table Rates takes care of all the calculations for you. With its simple user interface (like the one powered by Hyvä Themes), you can easily set up different rates for different categories of customers, countries, regions and product weights. 

Wyomind Advanced Shipping Rules

Wyomind Advanced Shipping Rules

Advanced Shipping Rules for Magento stores is a feature that delivers unparalleled freedom to merchants in terms of how they want to ship their products. With Advanced Shipping Rules, you can set rules and constraints on how the products will be shipped based on customer characteristics like location and order value. 

Efficient delivery practices may be a major draw for online shoppers if used properly in conjunction with other marketing strategies.

You can also define unique shipping methods and prices for each product or each customer. This gives store owners the flexibility to provide their customers with custom shipping solutions that meet their exact needs and requirements. 

MatrixRate for Magento 2 by WebShopApps

MatrixRate for Magento 2 by WebShopApps

MatrixRate for Magento 2 by WebShopApps is the perfect shipping solution for online stores. This powerful and flexible tool allows store owners to set up multiple shipping rates based on a variety of criteria, such as destination, product weight, item quantity or delivery speed. It also enables merchants to tailor their pricing structure in order to offer customers more competitive rates. 

With MatrixRate, you can easily create custom shipping rules that will maximize your profits while still providing an excellent customer experience. Plus, all of your settings are stored securely in the cloud so you don’t have to worry about losing any data. 

Magento Extensions to Download for Checkout 

Amasty Order Attributes

Amasty Order Attributes

Amasty Order Attributes is a great tool for businesses of all sizes. It helps simplify the customer experience, making it easier to add extra data and information during checkout. With Amasty Order Attributes, developers can create custom fields on the checkout page, allowing customers to provide the relevant information that you need. 

This saves time and effort, as orders can be done more quickly and easily. Furthermore, it allows customers to personalize their orders by adding extra data or details that will make the product even better suited to them. 

Mageplaza One-Step Checkout

Mageplaza One-Step Checkout

Mageplaza One Step Checkout provides a streamlined checkout experience that helps boost sales. Customers can quickly and easily purchase their items without having to go through multiple steps or pages. This reduces cart abandonment and increases customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to increased conversions. With features like auto-fill addresses, guest checkout and customizable options, it’s easier than ever for customers to complete their purchases quickly and securely. 

GoMage LightCheckout

GoMage LightCheckout

GoMage LightCheckout is a great tool for streamlining your checkout process. It simplifies the steps needed to complete a purchase. Customers can fill out their shipping and payment information in just one page, with no redirects or slow-loading pages. Plus, it reduces abandoned carts by making the checkout process easier and faster. 

GoMage LightCheckout also comes with secure payment gateways, so customers can feel confident about the safety and security of their purchases. Additionally, its intuitive user interface makes it simple for customers to complete their orders quickly and easily.

Aheadworks Store Credit & Refund

Aheadworks Store Credit & Refund

Aheadworks Store Credit & Refund is a great tool for streamlining customer refunds. It makes it easier than ever to issue a store credit or reimburse customers for the products they’ve purchased. With this system, you don’t have to worry about tracking down information or manually issuing new payments – all of that is handled automatically! 

Magento Free Extension for Customer Outreach 



MageMonkey is designed to help Magento stores integrate their store with a variety of email marketing platforms, such as MailChimp. This integration makes it possible for customers to subscribe and unsubscribe from lists directly from the store’s checkout page. It also allows merchants to send automated emails to customers based on customer actions or behaviors in their store. 

Instead of providing depersonalized content, you can create a message in a way that suits a specific client.

Jake Gardner

For example, merchants can set up an automated welcome email when a customer first signs up or a thank-you email after they make a purchase. In addition, MageMonkey allows merchants to segment their customer lists and create more personalized marketing campaigns. This increased targeting can help businesses increase their conversion rates and build long-term relationships with customers. 

Aheadworks Follow-Up Email

Aheadworks Follow-Up Email

Aheadworks Follow-Up Email is a great way to build relationships with your customers. It enables you to automatically send follow-up emails that are tailored specifically for each customer, based on their buying behavior. This helps to create an ongoing dialogue between you and your customers. Thus, you can make sure that their needs are met and that they feel cared for. 

Plus, you can rest assured that all of your emails are compliant with anti-spam regulations. It also provides detailed reporting and analytics, so you can monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns at a glance. 

Free Magento 2 Extensions for Promotion

Amasty Special Promotions

Amasty Special Promotions

One of the best things about Amasty Special Promotions for Magento stores is that it allows store owners to easily create sales or promotions with just a few clicks. With this tool, you can quickly and effortlessly customize your promotional offers in order to maximize conversions and drive revenue. It’s simple to use and set up, so even those without any coding experience can effectively manage their promotions.

Magestore Reward Points

Magestore Reward Points

Magestore Reward Points are an incredible way to engage with customers and boost loyalty. With this program, businesses can reward their customers for repeat purchases and offer exclusive discounts to encourage more sales. Not only does it help attract more customers, but it also helps build relationships with existing customers as they get rewarded for their loyalty. Plus, the points are easy to redeem and can be used in various ways such as gift cards, store credits, free products or discounts. 

Magestore Gift Card

Magestore Gift Card

Magestore Gift Card for Magento stores can be a great benefit for your business. With this feature, you can create digital gift cards that customers can purchase online and either print them out themselves or have them emailed to the recipient. Not only does this help to make purchasing easier and more convenient for customers, but it also helps boost sales for your store. It’s also a great way to reward loyal customers with special offers and discounts. Plus, you can track the performance of your gift card sales in real time with built-in analytics features. 

Amasty Special Promotions Pro

Amasty Special Promotions Pro

Amasty Special Promotions Pro offers a variety of tools to help you increase sales, boost customer loyalty and maximize profits. From creating discounted bundles and offering promotional codes to setting up special pricing rules for specific customers or products – this Magento extension has it all! 

With its handy dashboard, you can easily keep track of your campaigns’ performance in real time and adjust them accordingly. Plus, you can set up rules for automatic discounts or rewards to make sure your customers always get the best deal. 

Magestore Reward Points Plus

Magestore Reward Points Plus

Magestore Reward Points Plus helps you engage with your customers and build relationships that will last. By offering rewards, customers are likely to return again and again, resulting in more sales and higher customer loyalty. This can boost your sales and help grow your business over time. 

The platform also gives you the flexibility to customize rewards for different customers, so you can tailor rewards to fit their individual preferences. You can also set up automated promotions and reward points for specific activities, such as signing up for emails or sharing on social media. 

Mirasvit Automation & Reward Point Rules

Mirasvit Automation & Reward Point Rules

Mirasvit Automation & Reward Point Rules makes it easy to create and manage reward points for different customer activities. Customers can earn points for purchases, referrals, reviews, or any other activity you want them to do. This helps to encourage interactions with your business and build strong relationships with customers. 

It also helps make shopping more incentivized and rewarding, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. With Mirasvit Automation & Reward Point Rules, you can easily customize the point system based on customer activity or targeted promotions. 

Magestore Gift Card Plus

Magestore Gift Card Plus

Magestore Gift Card Plus for Magento stores is the perfect solution for businesses that want to offer their customers a convenient, secure, and reliable way to purchase gifts. With Magestore Gift Card Plus, you can create custom gift cards that customers can use to buy products from your store. Customers can easily add funds to their cards and make purchases through the store. 

This makes it easy for customers to give gifts to friends and family while ensuring that they stay within their budget. Additionally, this software allows businesses to track gift card sales and keep records of customer spending. 

Magento 2 Sales Promotion Pro

Magento 2 Sales Promotion Pro

The Magento 2 Sales Promotion Pro extension is the perfect way to keep up with ever-evolving customer demands. With this powerful tool, you have access to a variety of features that make it easy for store owners to get the most out of their sales promotions.

People are more likely to spend money when they shop online thanks to the eCommerce reward solutions since such services make the buying experience feel more natural, streamlined, and individualized.

You can create complex rules based on different customer criteria. This allows you to target specific customer groups and offer them discounts or other benefits. It also makes it easier to monitor your promotion performance. Besides, it gives you insight into which customers responded best to certain campaigns. This enables you to fine-tune and improve future promotions accordingly.

Magento 2 Free Extensions for Navigation

Amasty Improved Layered Navigation

Amasty Improved Layered Navigation

Amasty Improved Layered Navigation provides a range of benefits to store owners, which can help them create the ultimate shopping experience for their customers. 

The advanced filtering options allow customers to easily find the exact product they are looking for, increasing their chances of making a purchase. The well-structured navigation helps customers find what they need more quickly, making the shopping process faster and smoother. 

The extension also helps you better organize your categories and subcategories, making it easier for customers to browse and navigate through them. Plus, the improved search algorithms allow customers to find products more accurately and quickly. 

Magestore Store Locator

Magestore Store Locator

The Wyomind Magestore Store Locator is a powerful tool that makes it easy to find the closest store locations. It’s an essential tool for businesses with multiple locations, allowing customers to quickly and easily find their nearest store. 

With this feature, customers can enter their current location and be shown nearby stores with all relevant store information, such as address and opening hours. This makes it easy for customers to decide which store they want to visit. It also helps them plan their journey and save time traveling between stores.

Wyomind Elastic Search

With Wyomind, you will be able to provide customers with more accurate and faster search results. Additionally, Wyomind also offers automatic keyword suggestions. That means shoppers don’t even have to type a full search query to find what they need. This feature helps reduce the chance of shoppers leaving your store without finding what they’re looking for. Not only that, but Wyomind also integrates seamlessly with Magento stores, so you won’t have to worry about spending hours configuring it.

Amasty Shop By Brand

Amasty Shop By Brand

Amasty Shop By Brand is a great tool to help shoppers find the products they are looking for quickly and easily. It allows customers to filter through categories of products by brand. Thus, it is easier to navigate the store and narrow down their search results. This makes it simpler for customers to choose the product that fits their needs best, saving them time and effort. 

With Amasty Shop By Brand, customers can also find related products from the same brand quickly and easily. It helps them make informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, it helps merchants increase customer loyalty. 

Wrapping Up

All of these plugins are free to download and use. So you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank while adding extra features to your Magento store. With them, you can make sure that your website is up-to-date and ready for customers. So why wait? Download one of these plugins today to start bringing more value to your business!

If you find yourself needing something more than just these extensions, IT Delight is here to help with our Magento extension development services. Get in touch and let us help you take your store to the next level. 

Happy selling!